(n) mental rehearsal
(n) moral harassment
workplace mobbing
workplace bullying
psychological harassment at the workplace
(n) the Gospel according to John (book of the Bible)
(n) rehabilitation
(n) apartment house
(n) underhand serve
(n) underhand throw
(n) (comp) intelligent hub
(n) weekend house
(n) Westinghouse
(n) overhand throw
(n) (comp) keyboard enhancer
(n) cooperative house
(n) (comp) content handler
(n) junior high school
(n) super high decker
(n) harrassment by smoking (wasei: smoke harrassment)
(n) (uk) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
(n) digital Hi-Vision
(n) Nike Hercules
(n) (comp) heartbeat packet
(n) (comp) hardware interrupt
(n) the Pied Piper of Hamelin
(n) harmonization
(n) (uk) red phalarope
grey phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
(n) highway patrol
(n) high-octane gasoline
(n) high-speed steel
(n) hygenic cream
(n) high tension bolt