(n) quality paper
(n) Christmas party
(n) cost per thousand
(n) commercial paper
(n) German sheperd
(n) (comp) supercomputer
(n) superstation
(n) super spreader (carrier of a viral disease who spreads the virus to a large number of other people)
(n) supercharger
(n) Super Tuesday
(n) (comp) supernetting
(n) super high decker
(n) super-heterodyne
(n) swinger party
(n) jacket with team's logo (wasei: stadium jumper)
(n) sparkling wine
(n) department store
(n) tracing paper
(n) drawing paper
(n) parking valet (wasei: parking driver)
(n) personal opinion
(n) parchment paper
(n) (comp) Particle System
(n) participation
(exp) (comp) to partition
(n) permanent wave
(n) permanent wave (hairdo)
(n) permanent pleats
(n) beauty parlor
beauty parlour
(n) (uk) whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferus)