(n) tryptophan
(n) function
(n) fan-jet
(adj-na) fantastic (wasei: fantasy-ic)
(n) fan heater
(n) (1) fanfare (ger:)
flourish of trumpets
(2) fun fair
(n) (1) fanfare (ger:)
flourish of trumpets
(2) fun fair
(n) hedge fund
(adj-f) elephantine
(n) (comp) cooling fan
(n) strophanthin
(n) sports fan
(n) fancy goods
(n) fancy store
(n) fancy dress
(n) fancy food
(n) fancy ball
(adj-na) fundamental
(n) foundation
(n) (comp) phantom BOM
(n) fund trust
(n) boue chauffante (self-heating mud-pack for cosmetic purposes) (fre:)
(n) boue chauffante (self-heating mud-pack for cosmetic purposes) (fre:)
(n) reserve fund
(n) athlete fund
(n) enfants terribles (fre:)
(n) orphan drug
(n) offshore fund
(n) family fund
(n) (comp) function key