(n) portability
(n) (comp) Internet portal
(n) poached egg
(n) Treaty of Portsmouth (ending the Russo-Japanese War, 1905)
(n) portfolio
(n) polarograph
(n) (comp) Polish notation
(n) pole jump
(n) poll tax
(n) mascarpone
(n) marine sports
(n) moral support
(n) (comp) indirect-submission port
(n) (comp) reverse Polish notation
(n) postpartum pelvic support belt
(n) (comp) wraparound polling
(n) (comp) multilingual support
(n) indoor sports
(n) (comp) input port
(n) (comp) console port
(n) (comp) support group
(n) (comp) support staff
(n) support centre (center)
(n) season sports
(n) Singapore dollar
(n) (comp) study report
(n) sports fan
(n) sports event
(n) sportswoman
(n) sports shoes