Compounds of メガ
- (n) megafeps (mnemonic for verbs that never precede infinitives, but rather their gerunds)
mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, finish, escape, postpone, stop - (n) mega-float
- (n) megalopolis
- (n) acromegaly
- (n) omega-3 fatty acid
- (n) (uk) spectacled caiman (Caiman sclerops)
- (n) (comp) MFLOPS
- (n) megalosaurus (lat:)
megalosaur - (n) (uk) Cellana toreuma (species of limpet)
- (exp) (obsc) alpha and omega
- (n) TV test pattern chart
megacycles chart - (n) megastructure
- (n) cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- (n) megaelectron volt