(n) foie gras (fre:)
(n,adj-f) bourgeois (fre:)
(n) brewery (esp. of beer)
(n) page one
(n) pair-wise
(n) man-hour
(n) man power
(n) (comp) mini tower
(n) remembrances (fre:)
(exp) sound of one's own ears humming
(n) rewind
(n) rose (wine) (fre:)
pink wine
(n) (1) royal
(2) loyal
(3) royal custard (fre: royale)
custard royale
(n) werewolf
(n) working
(n) (comp) work environment
(n) warning
(n) wallet
(n) warlock
(n) wyrm (variety of wyvern)
(exp) wide-low (description of a small truck)
(n) winery
(n) wyvern (two-legged dragon)
(n) wiping
(n) wipe in
(n) (comp) YMODEM
(n) wired
(n) wire lath
(n) wireless
(n) wine bar