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Compounds of 下

  • (n) cellar
  • (n) underground water
  • (n) underground wire or cable
  • (n) underground train
  • (n) subterranean tunnel
  • (n) dungeon
  • (n) deworming medicine
  • (n) bridge designed to be underwater during a flood
  • (n,vs) pay cut
  • (n) garden clogs
  • (n) the whole country
    the public
    the world
    the ruling power
    having one's own way
  • (n) the whole country
    the public
    the world
    the ruling power
    having one's own way
  • (n) the whole country
    the public
    the world
    the ruling power
    having one's own way
  • (n,vs) retiring high-ranking government officials taking a lucrative job in a private or semi-private corporation
  • (v5r,vi) to descend from heaven
  • (n) unique thing
    best on earth
  • (n) path to and from school
    way to school
  • (n,vs) kneeling down on the ground
    prostrate oneself
  • (n) travelling east from Kyoto (in ancient times) (traveling)
  • (n) (hon) princess
    Her Royal Highness
  • (n) (1) upper lip
    under one's nose
    (2) mouth
  • (n) amorous man
    henpecked husband
  • (n) (1) (uk) saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis)
    (2) (poet) fish caught under ice
  • (n) below freezing
  • (n) method of patterning traditional Japanese clothing (the tops of all of patterns being pointed at the highest part of the shoulder)
  • (n) (1) laxative
    (n,vs) (2) loose bowels
  • (n) framework (for a mud-plastered wall)
  • (n) referee officiating the third highest sumo division
  • (n) all over the world
  • (adv) flat or cold (refusal, etc.)