(n) unlawful assembly
(n) illegal possession
unlawful possession
(n) trespassing
(n) unlawful detention (of shipping)
unlawful occupation (of a house or land)
(n,adj-no) illegal overstaying (in a country)
(n,vs) unlawful dumping (e.g. of garbage)
(n) illegal entry
illegal immigration
(n) illegal entry
illegal immigration
(n) without sleep or rest
day and night
(n) deserted and desolate land
(n) commutative justice
justitia commutativa
(n) (comp) garbage
(n,adj-na) nonessential and nonurgent
(exp) Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment
Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters
Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind (Zen Buddhism)
(exp) Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment
Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters
Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind (Zen Buddhism)
(exp) totally unexpected
completely unforeseen
(n) undesirable alien
(n) getting mixed up with the wrong people
getting into bad company
(n,adj-no) bad debt
(n) bad girl
juvenile delinquent
(n) juvenile delinquent
(n,vs) trouble-shooting
fault analysis
(n) gang of hoodlums (hooligans)
bad company
companion in gang activities
(n) insulator
poor conductor
(n) old sinner
elderly man-about-town
older person who enjoys free and easy lifestyle unfettered by social taboos
(n) person with whom one is having an illicit love affair
(n) (weather-related) line of discontinuity
(n) unearned income
(n) perpetual youth and longevity
(n) perpetual youth and longevity