(exp) to choose among many things
(n) (comp) central processing unit
(n) toxic epidermal necrosis
(n) Central Intelligence Agency
(n) (comp) GKS
graphical kernel system
(exp) (id) A hedge between keeps friendships
(n) trapeze artist
aerial artist
(exp) (id) Money talks
(n) underwater navigation
(n) underwater videography dive
(n) nitroglycol poisoning
(n) methyl alcohol intoxication
(exp) good manners even between friends
(exp) (id) A hedge between keeps friendships
(n) dive on an underwater scooter
diver propulsion vehicle dive
(exp) good guess
close or accurate guess
(n) Federation of Independent Unions of Japan
(exp) parochial
used to encourage someone to get a wider perspective
(n) (comp) centralized data processing system
(n) dive on an underwater scooter
diver propulsion vehicle dive
(exp) (hum) midsummer greetings
to inquiry after someone's health in the hot season
(n) underwater naturalist dive
(n) (comp) Flexible Manufacturing System
(exp) good guess
close or accurate guess
(exp) thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes
being the apple of one's eye
(n) (comp) centralized (N)-multi-endpoint-connection
(n) underwater naturalist dive
(n) (comp) decentralized (N)-multi-endpoint-connection