(n,adj-no) constructivism
(n,adj-no) structuralism
(n,adj-no) behaviorism
(n) rationalism
(n,adj-no) nationalism
(n) internationalism
(n,adj-no) nationalism
extreme patriotism
(n) fundamentalism
(n) (national) isolationism
isolation policy
(n,adj-no) vegetarianism
(n) the principle (philosophy) of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
the policy of "see-not, hear-not, and speak-not"
(n) (Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
(n) the "three noes principle" of no drive (indolence), no interest (indifference), and no sense of responsibility (irresponsibility), the term describing the temperament of the Japanese youth of the 1970s
(n,adj-no) capitalism
(n) worship of the powerful
(n) egoism
(n) (principle of) self-sufficiency
(n,adj-no) naturalism
(n,adj-no) liberalism
(n) positivism
(n,adj-no) existentialism
(n,adj-no) pragmatism
(n,adj-no) utilitarianism
(n,adj-no) realism
(n,adj-no) socialism
(n) voluntarism
(n) egoism
love of self
(n) subjectivism
(n) one's principles and position
(n) emotionalism