(n) Monroe Doctrine
(n) Leninism
(n) sense subject
(n) feudal lord
head of a household
proudly independent person
(n) one-party system
(n) musical impressionism
(n) shareholders agreement
(n) shareholder lawsuit
(n) environmentalism
(n) control-oriented education
(n) (belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning
(n) communist regime
communist government
(n) abstinence-only sex education
(exp) modern rationalism
(n) (arch) enlightened absolutist
(n) enlightened despot
(n) economic liberalism
(n) art for art's sake
(n) authoritarian government
(n) opportunist
(n) rationalistic philosophy
(n) (1) state socialism
(2) national socialism
(n) statism
(n) principle (or ideology) of international cooperation
(n) capitalist society
(n) (uk) principle of peace-at-any-price
(n) natural capitalism
(n) free economy
(n) a free nation
(n) social constructionism
social constructivism