(n) competitive power
(n) legal point of contention
matter in dispute
subject of debate
issue in contention
(n) a quarrel
(v5u,vt) to quarrel
to dispute
(n,vs) quarreling
(n) a dispute over water rights
(n-adv,n-t) post war
after the war
(n) dispute
(n) right to strike
(n) contest
(n) struggle for supremacy
championship game
(v5u) to fight with each other
to fight amongst yourselves
(n) megacompetition
(n) Cod Wars (conflicts between the United Kingdom and Iceland regarding fishing rights (1958, 1971, 1975))
(n) belligerence
fighting spirit
(n) lacking opposition or competition
(n) disputant
(n) Mein Kampf (by Adolf Hitler, 1925-1926)
(n) Sikh Wars (1845-1846, 1848-1849)
(n) Cod Wars (conflicts between the United Kingdom and Iceland regarding fishing rights (1958, 1971, 1975))
(n) War of the Roses
(n) Opium Wars
(n) Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912)
(n) Anglo-Burmese Wars (1823-1826, 1852-1853, 1885-1887)
(n) Anglo-Dutch Wars (1652-1654, 1665-1667, 1672-1674)
(n) price competition
(n) price war
(n) family trouble
(n) excessive competition
(n) Mein Kampf (by Adolf Hitler, 1925-1926)