(n) rescue mission
evacuation operation
(n) group work
(n) interworking
(n) concerted action
(n) pincer operation (tactic)
(exp) to compose a haiku poem
(n) aerial tactics
(n) prison industry
(n) work of art
object d'art
(n) full array of masterpieces
(n) absence seizure
(n) diversionary operations
(n,adj-no) hallucinogenic
(n) (mutual) interaction
reciprocal action
(n) working in shifts
(n) machine tools
(n) etiquette
good manners
(n) (comp) minimal simulation
(exp) (obsc) have a poor crop
(n) feigning good feeling
(n) make-believe crying
(n) sake brewer
sake brewery
(v5s,vt) (1) to manufacture
to produce
to raise (crops)
(2) to invent
to dream up
(n,vs) forced laugh
forced smile
(v5s,vt) to remake
to rebuild
(n) fixed
(v5s) to remake
(n) aspiring writer
(n) rice-crop index
(n) working hypothesis