(n) express parcel delivery
(n) (vulg) woman who is treated as a sex object
(n) mucous feces
mucous stool
(n) airmail
(n) usual mail
(exp) by separate post
(n) writing but receiving no response
(v1,vi) to satisfy
to answer the purpose
to make convenient
(vz,vi) to satisfy
to answer the purpose
to make convenient
(n) plain-clothes soldiers
mufti corps
(adv) for convenience
as a matter of convenience
(n) anal leakage
(fecal) incontinence
(n) hitchhiker
one who catches a ride (with a friend)
(n) convenience
(n) expressman
utility man
(n) (convenience) guide
(n) postman
(n) post office
(n) mail truck
(n) mail boat
(n) mail bag
(n) mailbox
(n) postal items
(n) going off to urinate together
(n) (ling) nasal sound change (generation of the mora 'n', primarily from vowel stems ending in 'i')
(n,adj-no) flattery
(exp) the end justifies the means
circumstances may justify a lie
(n) good appetite and good bowel movements
enjoying one's food and having regular stools
(n) mail from abroad
(n,adj-na) simple, easy, and convenient