(n) (comp) carry-save adder
(n) (comp) access security procedure
(n) (comp) data medium protection device
(n) (comp) write-enable ring
write ring
file-protection ring
file protect ring
safety ring
(n) (comp) page write protect
(n) law of conservation of angular momentum
(n) (comp) storage protection key
(n) Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency
(n) UN Security Council
(n) witness protection program
witness protection programme
(n) (comp) selective field protection
(n) ANZUS Security Pact
(n) workers' accident compensation insurance
(n) law of conservation of energy
(n) (comp) program maintenance manual
(n) (comp) archive file
(n) (comp) write protection switch
(n) Department of Homeland Security (US)
(n) Law Concerning Special Measures for Conservation of Lake Water Quality (1984)
(n) Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs (2003)
(n) United Nations Security Council
(n) mandatory vehicle liability insurance
(n) traditional architectures preservation district
(n) (comp) controller maintenance and diagnostic bus
(n) (comp) program maintenance manual
(n) (comp) message security labelling
(n) (comp) secure access management
(n) (comp) data processing system security
computer system security
(n) (comp) archived file
(n) (comp) data processing system security
computer system security