(n) illegal entry
illegal immigration
(v5r) to take advantage of
to impose on
(n) armed intervention
(v5r) to force one's way
to push through
(v5r) to listen attentively to
to be lost in
(v1,vt) to grant (a wish)
to accede
to comply with
(n) the four tones in old Chinese phonetics
(n) parallel import
(n) intervention of America
(n) entrance examination (for a transfer student)
(v5r) to walk in (to)
(v5r,vi) to be dumbfounded
to be amazed
(adj-no) containing honey
(n) accounts receivable
(n) illegal immigrant
(n) (business) card case
(adj-no) going unsolved
(exp,v5r) to catch sight of
to come into view
to happen to see
(n) import quota
(n) import duty
(n) importer
import merchant (trader)
importing firm
(n) an import bill
(n) import restrictions
(n,adj-no) excess of imports
(v5r,vt) to entreat
to request earnestly
(v5r,vi) to fall
to trap
to cave in
to collapse
(n) entering
(v5r,vi) (1) to enter
(2) to interfere
(exp,n,adj-no) no entry
Keep Off!
No Trespassing
(n) on-the-spot inspection
on-site inspection