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Compounds of 内

  • (n) pupil's record
  • (n) imperial or royal princess
  • (n) inscribed circle
  • (n) Japanese and Koreans
  • (n) visceral arch
  • (n) inside finishing (of a house)
  • (n,vs) advancing part of a salary
  • (ok) (n) (1) Minister of the Interior (669-1868 CE)
  • (ok) (n) (1) Minister of the Interior (669-1868 CE)
  • (ok) (n) (1) Minister of the Interior (669-1868 CE)
  • (n) (1) Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal (1885-1945 CE)
    (2) Minister of the Interior (669-1868 CE)
  • (n) Japanese in Japan proper
  • (n) homegrown rice
  • (n) lining
  • (n) betrayer
  • (n) private pupil
  • (n) adductor muscle
  • (n,vs) partial delivery
    partial payment
  • (n) inner practice hall (for Buddhism; on the imperial palace grounds)
  • (adj-na) intristic (psychology)
    arising from within
  • (adj-na,n) (psychology) intropunitive
  • (n) bowleg(ged)
  • (n) clubfoot
  • (adj-na) internal
  • (n) indoor bath
    bath for family (not public) use
  • (n) medicine taken internally
  • (n,vs) part payment
  • (n,adj-f) (1) endocrine
    (n) (2) incretion
    internal secretion
  • (n,adj-f) (1) endocrine
    (n) (2) incretion
    internal secretion
  • (n) braggart
    someone haughty and boastful at home but meek and reserved outside
    a man who is a lion at home and a mouse abroad