(n) evaluation criteria
evaluation standard
(n) (comp) decision symbol
(n) suspension of judgement (judgment)
(n) (comp) decision instruction
(n) (comp) criterion
(n) winning a decision
(n) losing a decision (on points)
(n) elements deserving criticism
material used to criticize someone (something)
(n) critical philosophy
(adv) the same as something was reputed to be
(n) civil trial
(n) an innocent verdict
(n) moot court
mock trial
(n) guilty verdict
judgment of guilty (judgement)
(n) supernumerary judge
(n) cabinet size
(n) a lower court
(n) (obsc) hypothetical judgment (judgement)
(n) family court
(n) admiralty court
(n) Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency
(n) a summary court
(n) military court
(n) constitutional court
(n) appeals court
appellate court
appelate court
(n) High Court
(n) Last Judgment (judgment of mankind to take place when the world ends, according to various religious traditions)
(n) Supreme Court
(n) citizen judge system
lay judge system
quasi-jury system
(n) challenging a judge