(n) polygamy
(n) expanded system of guilt by association in Japanese election law, which stipulates that an elected official may lose his position if someone in his campaign commits a crime
(n) school grouping system
(n) the question of limiting the use of Chinese characters
(n) indirect electoral system
(n) tariff quota system
(n) parliamentary system of government
(n) (comp) closed mode
(n) concentration camp
(n) (crime of) indecent assault
(n) air brake
(n) clinical internship system
(n) (comp) call control procedure
(n) barter system
(n) (comp) display recall control
(n) minimum wage system
(n) citizen judge system
lay judge system
quasi-jury system
(n) flexible work hours
(n) (comp) main control unit
(n) (comp) main control unit
(n) system allowing for election of the prime minister by popular vote
(n) (Japanese) system of lifetime employment
(n) five-day workweek system
(n) single-seat constituency system
(n) symbolic emperor system
(n) vocational representation system
(n) limit of advance
(n) forbidden kanji
(n) (comp) limited entry table
(n) (comp) control code