(n) (comp) control data-name
(n) (comp) control frame
(n) (comp) control block
(n) (comp) controlling process
(n) tax break
(n) early retirement program
early retirement programme
(n) (comp) device control character
(n) (comp) bandlimited signal
(n) (comp) jabber control
(n) (comp) communication control unit
(n) (comp) communication control unit
(n) datalink escape
(n) (comp) transmission control character
(n) abolition of slavery
(n) (comp) content rating system (for TV, movies)
(n) two-shift work program (programme)
(n) around-the-clock system
(n) Japanese education system
(n) the seniority system
(n) meritocratic system
(n) (Japanese) land registration system
(n) legal reserve system (USA)
reserve deposit requirement system
(n) Qing-dynasty system assigning equal numbers of Manchurians and Han Chinese to central government agencies
(n) democratic system
(n) voluntary export restraint
(n) import quota
(n) constitutional monarchy
(n) (US) Federal Reserve System
(n) (comp) access control word
(n) internship system