(n) fountain effect (theory that high sales in the basement of a department store lead to increased sales in the upper levels as well)
(n) nocebo effect
(n) halo effect
(n) (comp) memory effect
(n) law of effect
(n) J-curve effect
(n) Edison effect (thermionic emission from a heated metal or semiconductor)
(n) shower effect (theory that placing high-selling items on the upper floors of a department store will lead to increased sales in the lower floors)
(n) Zeeman effect
(n) tunnel effect
(n) (comp) memory effect
(n) greenhouse effect gas
greenhouse gas
(exp) to bear fruit
to take effect
(n) excluded volume effect
(n) Compton effect
(n) Doppler effect
(n) nocebo effect
(n) butterfly effect (chaos theory)
(n) Faraday effect
(n) boomerang effect
(n) leverage effect
(n) subliminal effect
(n) Josephson effect
(n) Cherenkov effect
(n) bandwagon effect
(n) Moessbauer effect
(n) allosteric effect
(n) (comp) Field Effect Transistor
(n) (comp) Field Effect Transistor
(n) demonstration effect