(n) (comp) auto-action-type
(n) (comp) mean rate accuracy
(n) (comp) interaction management
(n) (comp) operable time
(n) (comp) inoperable time
(n) (comp) regime
(n) activities of daily living
normal activities of daily life
(n) (comp) break action
(n) (comp) undefined behavior
unspecified behavior
(n) (comp) interoperability test, study
(n) (comp) active field
(n) (comp) locale-specific behavior
(n) (comp) one-way interaction
(n) (comp) accounting regime
(n) Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
(n) (comp) implementation- defined behavior
(n) (comp) online working
(n) (comp) filestore action
(n) (comp) failsafe operation
(n) (comp) two-way-alternate interaction
(n) (comp) two-way-simultaneous interaction
(n) (comp) transaction logging