(n) certain victory
sure victory
(n) ever-victorious
many successful campaigns
(n) proneness to being ill
proneness to disease
(n) (Buddh) Usnisavijaya
Victorious Goddess of the Chignon
(adj-na,adj-no) (uk) forgetful
oblivious of
(n) (1) winning without fighting
method used to win without fighting
(2) one's own way of doing things (i.e. as different from that of one's instructor)
(3) (col) Shinto-ryu (school of kenjutsu)
(n) favorite (top choice) for the championship (favourite)
best bet for the title
(n) championship race
struggle for victory
(n) survival of the fittest
(n) (MA) winning by judges' decision (in judo)
(adj-na,adj-no) (uk) frequent
(exp) undone victory
upset victory
lost victory
(v5r) to be superior
to surpass
(n) quinella (dual forecast)
(n,vs) succession of victories
(n) consecutive tournament victories (sumo)
(n) bracket win (in horse-racing)
bracket quinella
(exp,adj-f) surpassing everything
better than anything
(n) (sl) "winner" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the most)
(n) military victory
(n) leaving a matter to chance
(n) quarterfinal game of a tournament
(n) quarterfinal game of a tournament
(n) winning straight victories
making a clean score
(v5s) to win consecutive
to have a long winning streak
(v5r) to win through (e.g. to finals)
to advance
(n) tournament
knockout competition
(n) (in sumo) being declared the winner of a bout
(n) outstanding achievement
(exp) Have it your way
To hell with you!
Get rooted!
Bugger you!