(exp,v5r) to teach
to take a teaching job
(exp) to fall behind
to be beaten
to be defeated
(exp) to take a copy of
(exp,v5r) to take command
to give direction
(exp) steering to port
(exp) to be detained
to take time
(exp) to lead someone around by the nose
(exp,v5r) to balance (oneself)
(exp,v5r) to take a roll call
(exp) to take up (occupy) space
(exp) to charge for one's meal
(exp) to take responsibility for
(exp) to buy an advance sales ticket (for a reserved seat)
(exp) to take the initiative
(exp,v5r) to take an attitude
(exp) to take care doing something
to be prudent
(exp) to fall behind
to be beaten
to be defeated
(exp) to take breakfast
(exp) to set up for a man about town
(exp) (comp) to synchronize
(exp) to suffer a defeat
(v5r) to divide the spoils
to receive a share
(exp) to take off one's hat
(exp) to get full marks
(exp) steering to starboard
(exp) to make an appointment
to make a reservation
(exp) to get in touch with
(exp) to find fault with someone
to flame someone
to trip up somebody
(exp) to wet the lips of a dying person
to attend someone's last moments
(exp) steering to port