(v1,vt) to distribute
to apportion
to divide
(v1,vi) to be in confusion
to be busy
(v1,vt) (1) to seize
to capture
to arrest
(2) to hold down
to subdue
(v5s) to drop
to let fall
to omit
(exp) in particular
worth mentioning
(v1,vt) (1) to collect (debts)
to dun
to exact
to extort
(2) to appoint
to promote
to give patronage
(3) to emphasize
to focus on
to call attention to
(n) money collected
(v1,vt) to stop
to put a stop to
to check
(v1) to shut in
to confine
to surround
(n) user's manual
handling instructions
(n) overanxiety
(v1) to put together
to assemble
(n) confidence trick
(exp) steering to port
(n) chairman of board of directors
(n) managing director
president of a company (US)
(v1) to become obsessed with
to be possessed (by spirits, etc.)
to be obsessive compulsive (OCD)
(n) installation
(v1,vt) to clean up
to clear away
to put in order
(exp) to be detained
to take time
(exp) to lead someone around by the nose
(exp,v5r) to balance (oneself)
(exp,v5r) to take a roll call
(n) lively or quick witted person
(n) lively or quick witted person
(n) securities exchange
stock exchange
(n) Securities and Exchange Act
(n) plot against (someone)
(exp) to take up (occupy) space
(n) managing director