(n) atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan
(n) ornamental doorway (in the raised area of a shoin-style reception suite)
(n) (obsc) Tendai Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
(n) Euphorbiaceae (plant family)
(n) Euphorbiaceae (plant family)
(n) performing solo (by oneself)
having the stage to oneself
being in sole command
eclipsing (outshining) the others
field of activity in which one is unrivaled (unrivalled)
(n) wooden plane with a convex base curved in the cutting direction
(n) (theatrical) costumes
(n) formal opening of a new theater (theatre)
(n) stage director
(n) stagehand
(n) dress rehearsal
(n) performing arts
(n) stage effects
(n) stage lighting
(n) stage career
(n,adj-no) stage setting
(n) televised broadcast of a stage performance
(n) on-stage composure
(n) set piece
(n) stage actor or actress
(n) stage scenery
(n) stage fright
(n) mounting for poles on which laundry is dried
(n) (arch) Yamataikoku
(Japanese history) a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko in the third century AD
(n) (arch) Yamataikoku
(Japanese history) a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko in the third century AD
(n) lava plateau
(n) ironing board
(n) pachinko (Japanese pinball) machine
(n) marine meteorological observatory