(n) (ling) third person pronoun
(n) acceptance speech
(n) (comp) control data-name
(n) multiple namespace
(n) Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway
(n) (comp) special names entry
(n) (ling) second person pronoun
(exp) to get a reputation as a philanderer
(n) (comp) distributed name resolution
(exp) (id) Names and natures do often agree
(n) a king in name only
(n) stock transfer
(adj-i) regret (at parting)
reluctance (to part)
(n) noun equivalent (noun, pronoun, gerund, etc.)
(n) (ling) substantive adjective
(exp) to give a name (to something)
(n) Meishin Expressway
(exp,v1) to name
(v1) to win fame
to make a name for oneself
(exp,v1) to name
(n) (comp) name start character
(n) (comp) named constant
(n) nominal national income
(n) (comp) nominal transfer rate
(n) honorable withdrawal
honourable withdrawal
honorable retreat
honourable retreat
(n) (comp) naming rules parameter
(n) (comp) global-title
(n) (comp) subroutine name
(n) (comp) digital signature
(n) (comp) directory name