(n) monarchy
(n) (uk) Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica)
(n) plum, chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo
(n) gentleman
man of learning and virtue
(n) one's husband
(n) (sl) man who is easily compelled into giving a woman gifts
a man only used to receive gifts from
(n) (sl) someone who asks others for answers without first researching by himself
(n) curve-leaf yucca (Yucca recurvifolia)
(n) (1) the wise readily adapt themselves to changed circumstances
the wise are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them
(2) (in colloquial usage, ironically or as an excuse) the wise make no scruple in suddenly changing their demeanor
(n) monarchy
(n) monarchy
(n) Herrenmoral (master morality, as a philosophical concept of Nietzsche)
(n) someone who curries favor with their master while secretly plotting against him
(n) (uk) African lily (Agapanthus africanus)
(n) (arch) the emperor
(n) person of lofty virtue
man of noble character
perfect person
(n) absolute monarch
(n) loyalty and patriotism
(n) constitutional monarch
(n) (sl) man who drives a woman around for free
man used by a woman for his car
(n) (sl) man used by a woman to pay for her meals
(exp) (id) A wise man changes his mind, a fool never
(n) absolute monarchy
(n) constitutional monarchy
(n) constitutional monarchy
limited monarchy
(n) constitutional monarchy
limited monarchy
(exp) (1) (arch) thief
(2) mouse
(n) (arch) enlightened absolutist
(n) enlightened despot
(exp) to not serve two masters