(v1,vt) to send for
(v5s) to call each other's names
(v1,vt) to challenge
to call somebody to halt
(v5s) to become accustomed to calling (e.g. someone by a certain name)
(v1,vt) to call together
to convene
(n) summons
(n) caller
calling party
(n) (comp) access mode
(v1,vt) to call out
(v1,vt) to call in
to invite
to bring in
(v1,vt) to summon
to get used to call
(v1,vt) to call out
to ask someone to come
(v1,vt) to challenge
to call somebody to halt
(n) respiratory illness
(n) telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
(n) (comp) call control procedure
(n) (comp) recursive (function) call
(n) (comp) automatic calling (e.g. in data network)
(n) (comp) procedure call
(n) (comp) manual calling (e.g. in data network)
(n) demonym
name used to refer to the residents of a country, egion, etc.
(n) artificial respirator
(n) artificial respiration
(n) (comp) dynamic access
(n) highest ranked sumo usher
(n) the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity
(n) (comp) macro call
(n) (comp) offered load
(n) (comp) function call
(n) (comp) access time