(exp,v5r) to be a matter of life or death
(exp,v5r) to be a matter of life or death
(exp) to put one's life on the line
to risk one's life
(exp) to put one's life on the line
to risk one's life
(exp) to give one's life
to lay down one's life
(exp,v1) to shorten one's life
(exp) to put one's life on the line
to risk one's life
(exp) to obey orders
(exp,v1) to give one's life (e.g. in battle)
to devote one's life (e.g. to a cause)
(exp,v5s) to lose one's life
(n) propositional logic
(n) (comp) naming-subdomain
(n) (comp) Operation Code
(n) (comp) instruction set
(n) (comp) instruction execution retry
(n) Orange Revolution (Ukraine, 2004-2005)
(n) Cuban Revolution
(n) French Revolution
(n) Potsdam Orders (commands made after the Japanese surrender based on the demands of the Potsdam Declaration)
(n) (comp) microinstruction
(n) postal life insurance
post-office life insurance
(n) hospital emergency room
(n) business improvement order
(n) (comp) call instruction
(n) (comp) arithmetic instruction
(exp) to carry out one's mission
(exp) to be charged with a mission
(exp) to prolong one's life
(n) order from above
(n) (comp) conditional branch instruction