(v5m) to stamp one's feet (in frustration, impatience, etc.)
(n) Mediterranean climate
(n) local public body
(n) local administrative organ
local government
(n) mine-clearing operation
(exp,adj-i) malicious (at heart)
(n) nationwide local elections
(n) (comp) point-to-point connection
(n) narrow strip of land
(n) place of scenic beauty
(n) (comp) explicit addressing
(exp) to arrive at one's destination
(n) Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (2004, resulting in the Indian Ocean tsunami)
(exp) to meet with defeat
(n) marine biogeographic region
(n) gold bullion standard
(n) air-to-surface missile
(n) comfortable to live in
(n) forward edge of the battle area
(exp) with steady steps
with one's feet planted on the ground
(exp,adj-f) realistic
(exp) prevention of global warming
(n) earthquakes, thunder, fires, fathers (this proverb compares the traditional Japanese father with other things which are generally feared)
(n) geothermal energy
geothermal power
(n) land sale contract
(n) off the road tire (tyre)
(n) Asia-Pacific region
(n) (comp) service area
(n) haplotype map
Hap Map
(exp) adversity strengthens the foundations