(n) (1) manufacture and sales
(2) vertical integration
(n,vs) (1) retailing
(2) second-hand opinion or knowledge
telling at second hand
second-hand telling
(n) pre-harvest estimate of a rice field's yield and selling price
(n) dealing in unharvested rice crop
(n) selling by the piece
(n) ticket seller
(n) ticket window
box office
(n) dealing in futures
(n,adj-no) patent
(n) ticket sold in advance
(n) negotiated transaction
(n) over the counter sales (often of financial packages)
(n) selling on credit
(n) special bargain sale
(n) big bargain sale
(n) sacrifice sale
(n,adj-no) mail order
(n,adj-no) over-the-counter sales
(n) amateurish (dilettantish) business
(n) bargain (sacrifice) sale
selling at a loss
(n) (abbr) selling operation
(n) selling on balance
net selling
(n) credit sales
(v5g,vt) to sell in haste
(n) (in the stock market) short commitment
(n) inflammatory words
(n) sales promotion
(v5m,vt) to build a market for
to become well-known
to sell
(n) selling
(v5k,vt) (1) to sell out
(2) to sell widely
to sell on a large scale