(n) starry night
(n) Thousand and One Nights
(n) the eve (of festival) (e.g. Christmas Eve)
(n) type of woman's obi, the black and white fabric suggesting the contrast of day and night
(n) sultry night
sweltering night
night in which temperature doesn't fall below 25 degrees C
(n) wake
vigil (that does not last the full night)
(n) nightless gay quarters
nightless city
(n-t) midnight
(n-adv,n-t) every night
(n,vs) night work
(n) veil of darkness
(n) night work
(n) evening dress
(n,vs) night watch
night watchman
(n) (uk) (obsc) moonflower (Ipomoea alba)
(n) night school
(n) night-school season
(n) night train
(n) night watch
(n,vs) crying (of an infant) at night (due to colic)
(n) night terror
(n) night shop
night fair
(n) phosphorescent animalcule
(n) night attack
(n) late at night
(n,vs) staying up late
keeping late hours
sitting up late at night
(n) nocturnal habit
(n) (uk) night jessamine (Cestrum nocturnum)
night jasmine
lady of the night
queen of the night
(n) night festival
(n) night work