(n,vs) shouting in a thunderous voice
(n) scythe
(n) scythe
(n) (1) (time of) extreme cold
(2) "major cold" solar term (approx. Jan 20, roughly the coldest time of the year)
(n) serious illness
(n) heavy sweating
a great deal of sweat
(n) Great Khan
Grand Khan
(n,vs) broad overview
general survey
(n) encyclopedia
(n) sumo wrestler of second highest rank
(n) (Buddh) ambition
the Buddha's great vow (to save all people)
(n) (1) large container
(2) person of great talent
(n) (1) calling many harlots and entertainers and have a big party
(2) starting an important maneuver at the end of a game of go
(n) atmosphere
(adj-na,n) state ceremony
laborious (task)
(n) bold move
great task or feat
(n) great cause
moral law
(n) excellent luck
(n) final scene
the end
(n) (uk) Sebastes iracundus (species of rockfish)
(n) high treason
(n) high treason
(n) (1) (hon) imperial palace
(2) Grand Empress Dowager
Empress Dowager
(3) woman of imperial lineage who has borne a child
(4) elderly woman of imperial lineage
(n) a bow
(n-adv,n-t) in force
in great numbers
(n) (1) the sky
the universe
(2) taixu (the great vacuity, in Chinese philosophy, the primordial substance that gives rise to qi)
(n) large saw
framed pit saw
(n) large saw
framed pit saw
(n) big catch
(n) large fish