(exp) far from being disappointed
(n) excuse me
I'm sorry
(exp) to be saved from the fire
(n) pretax loss
(exp) to be too late
(n) involuntary unemployment
(n) (comp) failure rate
(n) (comp) cell loss priority
(n) (comp) password expiration
(n) regrettable misstep
(n) professional negligence resulting in death
(n) autonomic ataxia
(exp) (id) Failure is a stepping-stone to success
(exp) (col) failure teaches success
(exp) pardon me for leaving (first) (used when leaving a workplace while others remain)
(n) buffer (full) error (i.e. space cannot be reserved as it is full)
(exp) you get what you pay for
buying cheap goods is a waste of money (because the quality is always so poor)
(n) lost and found office
(exp) (col) failure teaches success
(exp) far from being disappointed
(exp) (id) Even Homer sometimes nods
(n) Wernicke's aphasia
(exp) (id) Money gone, friends gone
(n) (comp) cell loss priority
(n) (comp) conversion prohibition in case of loss of information