(exp) like begets like
(n) (comp) European Computer Manufactures Association
(n) (comp) reference delimiter set
(exp) (id) A wise man keeps away from danger
(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child
(exp) (id) He that has no child knows not what love is
(exp) (id) It is no use crying over spilt milk
(exp) (id) Nature itself is a good mother
(exp) (id) Like father, like son
(n) (comp) short reference delimiter role
(exp) (arch) Family members should fall into line with the head of the family even if his taste is a little odd, like wearing a red eboshi, which is ordinarily black
(n) (comp) Electronic Frontier Foundation
(n) e-mail account
(n) (comp) content model nesting level
(n) (comp) JEIDA
Japan Electronics Industry Development Association
(n) quantum electronics
(n) (comp) system file descriptor
(n) (comp) transaction identifier
(n) (comp) parameter group identifier
(n) gene targeting
(n) (comp) virtual connection identifier
(exp) Spare the rod and spoil the child
(exp) (id) You can't fight City Hall
(exp) (id) Like father, like son
(exp) The parent is the best judge of the child
(exp) walls have ears (lit: wall have ears, shoji have eyes)
(n) (comp) workstation identifier
(n) multiphoton laser scanning microscope
(n) (comp) electronic filing system
(n) (comp) transaction branch identifier