(n) handwriting analysis
(n) splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount
wheedling the others into paying the whole bill
(n) (comp) figurative constant
(n) (comp) post
(n) (comp) rating level
(n) (ling) indefinite article
(n) an indeterminate sentence
(n) free verse
(n) general malaise
(n) indefinite integral
(n) partial negation
(n) dress code
(n) (comp) complex constant
(n) (comp) nonnumeric literal
(n) Dutch treat
going Dutch
(n) equilibrium constant
(n) peace agreement
(n) (comp) variable initialization
(n) lemma
(n) policy decision
(n) legal currency
(n) legal holiday
bank holiday
(n) statutory rape
sexual activity with a minor under the age of consent
(n) legal age
(n) (comp) legal deposit
(n) mint parity
mint par of exchange
(n) (comp) undefined value
(n) democratic constitution
(n) (comp) network stability
(n) (comp) problem definition
problem description