(n) pushing the opponent with the torso (sumo)
(v5r,vi) to sidle up to
(n) special sumo coaching stock awarded to retired grand champion
(v1,vt) to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair)
(v1,vi) to advance on
to close in
to march on
to descend on (the enemy)
to move towards
to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.)
to rush for (the door)
to inundate
to overwhelm
to push aside
(v1,vi) to rest or lean against
(v1,vt) to get close to
(v1,vi) to rest or lean against
(v1,vt) to put together
to gather
to collect
to scrape together
(n) house with a hipped roof
(v1,vt) to get close to
(n) wooden mosaic work
(n) joined block construction of a statue
(v5r) to lean against
to recline on
(v5r,vi) to lean against
to recline on
to lean on
to rely on
to depend on
(v5r,vi) to lean against
to recline on
to lean on
to rely on
to depend on
(v5r,vi) to gather together
(n) (comp) deposit library
(exp) to solicit donations
(v1,vt) to draw in
to attract
(v1,vt) to draw towards
(v1,vt) to call
to summon
to send for
to call together
(v1,vi) to make an onslaught (on)
to close in (on)
(v1,vt) to order
to send away for
(v1,vt) to call (someone) to you
to call together
to call to come
(exp) to take to
to let one's heart go out to
(exp) to live under another's roof
to become a dependent on
(n) sukiya style of building
style of a tea-ceremony arbor (arbour)
(v1) to sweep up
(v1,vt) to sweep
to rake up