(n) anti-aircraft fire
shooting at an aircraft (from ground or ship)
(n) lethal injection
(n) direct sunlight
direct rays of the sun
(exp,v1) to be to the point
to be pertinent
(n) intravenous drip infusion
(n) projection principle
(exp,v5s) to shine (of the sun)
(n) incident ray
(n) reflex action
(n) reflection coefficient
(n) (comp) reflectance calculation
(n) reflection error
(n) (comp) reflectance formulae
(n,adj-no) reflex action
(n) reflexes
(adv) reflexively
by reflex
(n) (comp) reflectance properties
(n) (comp) reflectance normal
(n) reflexology
(n,adj-no) hypodermic injection
(n) abdominal wall reflex
(n) radiology department
(n) radiology
(n) ray tissue
(n,adj-no) radial symmetry
(n) radiometric age
(n) radioactive rain
(n) radioactive cloud
(n) anesthetic injection
anaesthetic injection
(n) immunization
preventive injection