(n) place of employment
(n) scarcity of employment
(n) employment rate
(n) before retiring
(n) inauguration ceremony
(exp) (uk) concerning
(exp) to enter the government service
(conj) concerning
(n) compulsory school attendance
(n) school child
(n) school age
(n) job opportunity
(n) work regulations
(n) work hours
(n) work force
(n) days worked
(n) placement
(n) job hunting
job searching
(n) job hunting
job searching
(n) employment advertisement
(n) career counseling (counselling)
(n) jobless university graduate
(n) inaugural speech
(n) work visa
working visa
(n) group employment
(exp) to be started
to get underway
(exp) to go to bed
to be sick in bed
to be laid up
(exp) to take up employment
(exp) to go to bed
(n) earnest prayers being answered
realization of one's earnest wishes