(n) tennis (lit. hard tennis, as opposed to soft tennis)
(n) high-powered equation
(n) chain compound
open chain compound
(n) indexation
(n) bearing capacity formula
(n) self-inflating
(exp) to hold a ceremony
(exp) to formularize (a theory)
to formularise
(n) fixed-interval transfer ceremony (wherein a shrine's sacred object is transferred to a newly constructed main hall)
(n) nonreligious wedding ceremony
civil wedding ceremony
(n) offical history (e.g. a state sanctioned account of history subject to revision when the government changes)
(n) integral equation
(n) snowballing (phenomenon, effect)
(n) (comp) linear equation
(n) another type of gun
(n) multiple agriculture
(n) hypercomplex equation
plural equation
(n,adj-f) multiple-choice
(n) algebraic equation
(n) (comp) single-wire line
(n) (obsc) style of garden that features a path around a pond
(n) (comp) start-stop transmission
(n) (comp) start-stop system
(n) straw-rope pattern pottery
Jomon ware
(n) tennis played with a soft ball
(n) (math) equation with two unknowns
(n) binomial equation
(n) quadratic equation
(n) merit system
(n) wave equation