(n) (comp) indexing
(n) (comp) depth of indexing
(n,vs) indexing
(n) (comp) indexed organization
(n) plea bargaining
(exp,v5k) (1) to pull (the puppet) strings
to direct things from behind the scenes
(2) to stretch out (and keep going)
to linger on
(n) liposuction
(n) capital transaction
(n) subject index
(n) merely knowing the meanings of a large number of individual words
superficial learning
(n) (comp) actual parameter
actual argument
(n) cash transaction
(n,vs) transactions
(n) terms and conditions (e.g. of a purchase or trade)
(exp) (1) to withdraw from (a deal)
to wash one's hands of
(2) to lead by the hand
(n) handbook
(n) discounting of a bill
(n) making constant reference to
(n) round-trip transaction
(n) collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots (annual event held on the first day of the rat of the new year)
(n) ivory trade
(n) over-the-counter trading
OTC trading
off-floor trading
(n) over-the-counter trading
OTC trading
off-floor trading
(n) credit transaction
(exp) to back out of
to retire
to get away
(n) human trafficking
(n) enameling
(n) cash transaction
(n) open account transaction
(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia