(v1,vt) to assign
to allot
to allocate
to divide among
to distribute
to prorate
to apportion
(v1,vt) to strike
to find
to dig up
(n) patchwork
(v1,vt) to guess right
(n,vs) guessing
(n,adj-na) disappointment
(v5m,vt) to count on
(n) snide remark
(v5r,vi) to insinuate
to satirize
to satirise
to take a dig at
(n) conjecture
(n,vs) hit-and-run accident causing property damage
(n) insinuation
(v1) to be right on target
to strike it rich
(v1,vt) to apply
to compare
(n) first-aid (treatment)
(v1,vt) to push (something) against
(v1,vt) to assign
to allot
to allocate
to divide among
to distribute
to prorate
to apportion
(n) allotment
(v1,vt) to strike
to find
to dig up
(v1) to hit (e.g. target)
(v1,vt) to guess right
(exp) unemployment allowance
(exp) to measure with a rule
(n) maternity allowance
childbirth allowance
(v1,vt) to assign
to allot
(v1) to divine
(v1,vt) to find out
to discover
to detect
(v1,vt) to hit against
(v1,vt) to find out
to discover
to detect
(v1,vt) to find out