(adj-f) amorphous
(n,adj-no) extraordinariness
(n) non-incendive
(n) (comp) mandatory attribute
required attribute
(n) (comp) standard attribute
(n,adj-na) of low (mean, inferior) character
(n,adj-na) of lofty (noble, virtuous) character
(n) impenetrability
(n) uncertainty
(n,vs) inactivation
(n) non-drying oil
(n) non-volatility
(n) heterogeneity
(n) opacity
(n) mutagenicity
(n) degenerative disease
(n,adj-no) abnormal sexuality
sexual perversion
(n) distinctive feature
(adj-na) impersonal
(n) chronic hepatitis
(n) chronic malady
(n) creeper (plant that grows along the ground, etc. similar to a vine)
(n) creeper (plant that grows along the ground, etc. similar to a vine)
(n,adj-no) asexual reproduction
(n) consistency (of an axiomatic system)
(n,adj-no) immunogenicity
(n) (comp) network stability
(n) (comp) impliable attribute
(n) bureaucratism
bureaucratic nature
(n) permanent marker