(n) forbidden move in sumo
(n) (Buddh) Vajrapani
wielder of the vajra
(n) gold-painted porcelain
(adj-na,n) utterly lacking in ability
(adj-na,n) utterly lacking in ability
(n) karate practitioner
(n) bad (fictitious) bill
empty promise
(n) bad (fictitious) bill
empty promise
(n) (MA) karate gi
karate uniform
(n) the way of karate
(n) (uk) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
(n) (uk) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
(n) (uk) Japanese hornbeam (Carpinus japonica)
(n) military bandsman
(n) a coupler
a splice
a successor
an heir
(n) (1) person who decides
(2) deciding factor
trump card
winning move
(n) clincher
winning technique
official winning technique (sumo)
(n) (uk) Chonowski's hornbeam (Carpinus tschonoskii)
(n) able or shrewd or resourceful person
(n) section of road that is curved on purpose as a defensive measure
(n) drum major
(n) donor
one who does something for you
(n) with hands (tied) behind one's back
(n) (fem) (obsc) small, shallow dish
(n) (fem) (obsc) small, shallow dish
(n) (uk) chopsticks (often written on the paper wrapper)
(n) (1) beanbag
beanbag juggling game
(2) bobbling the ball (baseball)
(n) (uk) chopsticks (often written on the paper wrapper)
(n) hand(s) (kid talk)
(n) font of purifying water placed at the entrance of a shrine