(adj-na,n) being bored or at loose ends
(adv) attentively
with great attention to detail (e.g. when teaching)
(exp) to take into consideration
to use one's discretion
(exp) to be a burden
to make trouble for someone
(exp) to be a burden
to make trouble for someone
(exp,v5s) to stretch out
(n) (comp) entry of a procedure
(exp) to go through formalities
(n) (comp) procedural language
(n) (comp) procedural language
(n) (comp) procedure branching statement
(n) (comp) procedure interface
(exp,v1) to throw down the gauntlet
(exp) to take steps (measures)
(exp) to try everything
to leave no stone unturned
(exp,v1) to make one's own
to take possession of
(exp,v1) to make one's own
to take possession of
(adv) using anything one can lay one's hands on
on the rebound
at random
(n) even if it means living in dire poverty
by all means
(n) eloquent and skilled (worker)
(exp) to advance money (on a contract)
(exp) to do a meritorious deed
(n) lumpectomy
(n) heavy weight boxer
(exp,adv) unconditionally (approving)
(n) (comp) upper tester
(n) pulling overarm throw (sumo)
(n) heart transplant operation
(n) gestures
(n) gestures