(exp,v5t) to be patient
(n) cordial reception
(exp) to keep everybody entertained
(v1,vt) to hold out (e.g. against pressure)
to withstand
to endure
(n) round-robin cabinet
(v1,vt) to happen to have on hand or in stock
(n) sustained virological response
(adj-na,n) being bored or at loose ends
(exp) to bring a complaint to a person (who is responsible for the problem)
(exp) to ruin oneself
(n) life-support system
(adv) responsibly
(n) champion
(championship) title holder
(n) gentlemens watches
(n) (comp) track and hold unit
track and store unit
(n) cordial reception
(n) (comp) non-disclosure agreement
(exp) intolerable
(n) freshness assured through this date
(n) peace-keeping operation
(n) peacekeeping force
(n) (comp) retained TPDU
(n) pearls thrown before swine
(n) drug possession
(exp) feelings from this point on
(exp) to feel gloomy
(n) unsung hero
person who does a thankless task
(n) joint holding company
(exp) (id) Money is round and rolls away
(n) homeostatic mechanism