(io) (v5k) to skin (one's knee)
to graze
(n,vs) whispering
(n,vs) becoming worn or soiled with handling
being old-fashioned
(n,vs) bedsores
(v5r,vi) to be excited
to get excited
to sound shallow
to sound hollow (a voice)
to ring false (a voice)
to sound shrill and nervous (a voice)
to be high-pitched and unstrung (a voice)
(n,vs) sophistication
(n) (uk) (X) masturbation (male)
(n) liniment
(n) kinetic friction
(n) (ling) affricative sound
(n,vs) nestling one's face against
(n) fricative sound
(n) frictional heat
(n) (uk) (X) masturbation (female)
(adj-na,n) a bitch
(adj-na,n) a bitch
(n) kinetic friction
(n) sliding friction
(n) a rubdown with a dry towel
(v5k) to skin (one's knee)
to graze
(v5r,vi) to draw close to
to edge up to
to snuggle up to
to nestle close to
to cuddle with
to draw closer to
(v5r,vi) to be worn down
to be reduced
(n) recrimination
(v5m) to rub in
to grind and mix
(n,vs) (uk) levelling a powder or liquid (e.g. sugar, flour) in a container (when measuring)
(v5r) to cut by rubbing
to wear out
to spend all (one's money)
(v5k) to skin (one's knee)
to graze
(n) passing each other
crossing paths without meeting
being at cross purposes
(v5u,vi) to pass by one another
to disagree
to miss each other
(v5u,vi) to rub against
to chafe
to quarrel