(n) functional (physics)
(n) complex fraction
(n) (comp) augend
(n) minuend
(n) dividend
(n) multiplicand
(n) differential coefficient
(n) frequency
(n) abstract number
(n) negative number
negative value
(n) plural (number)
(n) plural form
(n) multitude
(n) (comp) multiline (command, e.g.)
(n) complex compound number (a + bi)
complex number
(adj-na,n) (idle) curiosity
(n) fractional expression
(n) (comp) statement function
(n) number of phrases
(n) (comp) variable name
(n) a pedometer
(n) (comp) complementer
(n) (comp) generating function
(n) unknown number
(n) pulse rate
(n) the Book of Numbers (in the Bible)
(n) (math) irrational number
(n) number of hits
(n) (math) (comp) rational number
(n) (comp) number of elements (e.g. in a matrix)