(n) Chinese characters which express numbers
(n) family of functions
(n) (comp) function name
(n) theory of functions
(n) monoploid number
(n) (math) odd function
function whose graph has symmetry about the origin
(n) (math) known quantity
(n) numeration system
number representation system
(n) (math) the inverse function
(n) (math) even function
function whose graph has symmetry about the y-axis
(n) (comp) coefficient unit
scale multiplier
(n) a counting machine
(n) (comp) counter (reversible)
(n) (1) number of words
(2) vocality
(n) population (of animals, etc.)
population size
number of individuals
(n) common multiple
(n) common divisor
(n) total number
(n) composite number
composite quantity
(n) (1) (math) mixed fraction
(2) compound number
(n) largest number
(n) (comp) limit
(n) oxidation number
(adj-na) (comp) exponential
(n) exponent portion
characteristic (e.g. in floating-point representation)
(n) number of deaths
(n) (comp) rank
(n) (math) natural number
nonnegative integer
(n) mass number
(n) (comp) actual parameter
actual argument